Breast lift in Istanbul

Breast lift in Istanbul is the best solution for sagging breasts

Breasts are constantly under the influence of gravity, and this causes them to sag with a slight increase in weight or a change in size.

Factors such as the heaviness of the breast or its drooping form play an important role in changing the shape and drooping of the breasts, which causes the breasts to suffer from deformity and change of shape in addition to this complication.

Today, breast lift surgery has a great help in eliminating sagging breasts, which can correct the effects of weight gain or obesity in the breasts.
This surgery, which is associated with lifting sagging breasts, creates a very ideal shape and size that can affect the beauty of the body and the beautiful structure of the breast.
As mentioned, breast lift or mastopexy is one of the surgeries that help to stretch the breasts upwards and rejuvenate the breast tissue.

Effective factors in sagging breasts

Over time and with increasing age, the elasticity and elasticity of the skin will decrease and we will witness the sagging and drooping of the breasts. Even factors such as gravity, pregnancy and breastfeeding are involved in sagging breasts.

Women who have gone through pregnancy and breastfeeding also usually suffer from breast sagging, and with repeated pregnancies, this condition becomes more severe.
Sagging breasts, in addition to the appearance problems that follow, in some cases will also cause pain in the neck, so mothers who no longer decide to get pregnant again turn to this surgery.

Women who have lost their self-confidence due to sagging breasts can benefit from the benefits of breast lift in Istanbul after consulting a doctor.
Self-confidence plays an important role in women’s lives, and of course, in order to wear beautiful and appropriate clothes, it should be taken into account that breasts play an important role, therefore, to increase the sense of body satisfaction for people who have sagging breasts, this surgery is recommended.

How is breast lift performed?

Breast lift in Istanbul, which is performed in the operating room under general anesthesia, requires the best breast lift surgeon in Istanbul to carefully and skillfully make the necessary incisions around the breast and areola and guide the breast tissue upwards. .

The form given to the breasts during surgery should be completely natural and beautiful, and the breasts should be lifted upwards as much as possible.
During this surgery, incisions are made around the breast and it is even possible that the nipples are also cut and moved.

The sutures are applied so delicately and artistically that minimal cuts and sutures can be seen after the surgery.

mastopexy in Turkey , which is performed in the operating room under general anesthesia, requires the hands of the best breast lift surgeon to carefully and skillfully make the necessary incisions around the breast and areola and guide the breast tissue upwards.

The form given to the breasts during surgery should be completely natural and beautiful, and the breasts should be lifted upwards as much as possible.
During this surgery, incisions are made around the breast and it is even possible that the nipples are also cut and moved.

The sutures are applied so delicately and artistically that minimal cuts and sutures can be seen after the surgery.

Suitable people for breast lift in Istanbul

Breast lift surgery in Istanbul is usually recommended for people who have sagging and loose breasts.
Any factor may be effective in breast sagging even at a young age, the main reason for breast sagging in women is weight fluctuations that occur after obesity or slimming.

Also, some genetic cases create a droopy shape in the breast, which eventually leads to sagging. Aging is one of the most important causes of breast sagging, which is seen in older women, and if it is accompanied by breast size, it causes problems in this area.

Suitable people for breast lift surgery in Turkey are those who have an ideal but sagging breast size, this surgery has no age limit and can be performed after youth.

In general, this surgery is recommended for people who are not satisfied with their sagging breast shape and their breast skin does not have the elasticity of the past.

This sagging makes the appearance of the body ugly and unpleasant, and may have negative effects in addition to women’s self-confidence in marital matters.

It also makes it difficult to wear the clothes you want or use a bra. In this situation, a person has to constantly use medical underwear.

Breast lift in Istanbul
Breast lift in Istanbul

In what cases is breast lift surgery needed?


  • The nipples should be down
  • The position of the breasts should not be the same
  • The chest has a hanging shape
  • Stretching can be seen in the skin of the chest

Preparation and measures before breast lift surgery in Istanbul

One of the important points regarding mastopexy in Turkey is choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon and participating in counseling sessions.
Participating in these meetings is a great opportunity for the surgeon to get to know the patient’s goals and wishes and for the patient to share all their questions with the doctor.

Before the surgery, the doctor examines the tissue and anatomy of the breast and the patient’s medical records.

Because suffering from some disorders can affect the result of surgery and lead to complications during or after the operation.

Before the surgery, the patient is asked to stop taking anti-inflammatory and non-steroidal drugs, aspirin and drugs containing aspirin, Novafen and Gelofen.
These drugs thin the blood and increase the risk of bleeding.

Smoking should be avoided, because the nicotine in cigarettes increases the possibility of complications during or after surgery.



The process of breast lift in Istanbul

mastopexy in Turkey is performed under general anesthesia. The surgical process is such that first, the incision sites are marked as follows.

Brown halo around the nipple. Making a cut in this area of the chest is usually not associated with a specific scar, and in some cases it is recommended that the severity of the sagging is not high.

Under the nipple to under the breast. The incisions made in this area will also fade over time.
Along the natural folds under the breast. This type of cut is recommended when the severity of sagging is high. The scars of this method disappear well under clothes.

After making an incision in the desired area, excess skin and tissue will be removed and the breast will be pulled up. Sometimes it is necessary to change the position of the nipple.

Finally, the incisions will be sutured and a dressing will be placed on the chest to protect the stitches.

Breast lift surgery in Istanbul is performed under anesthesia

.But since after the surgery, the effects of the anesthetic remain in the body and the person may not be fully conscious, it is recommended that a relative or friend accompany the patient after the surgery.

If you have traveled alone to Istanbul, inform the surgeon so that he can prepare the necessary post-surgery measures for you

Regarding the scars of this surgical procedure, we must say that as we see the healing of the scars and stitches, the scars turn red and disappear over time.
The extent of scarring depends on the location of the incision as well as the technique and skill used during the surgery.

Breast lift in Istanbul
Breast lift in Istanbul

Types of incisions in breast lift surgery in Turkey

Breast lift surgery, also known as mastopexy, involves several different types of incisions. The type of incision made will depend on the patient’s anatomy, the degree of sagging, the surgeon’s expertise, and the patient’s personal preference. Here are the main types of incisions used in breast lift surgery:

1. Crescent Lift: This involves a small incision running halfway around the top half of the edge of the areola. It’s generally only used when a patient needs a small lift.

2. Peri-Areolar or “Donut” Lift: This incision is made around the entire circumference of the areola. This technique is suitable for individuals with mild sagging. It can also be used in conjunction with breast augmentation.

3. Vertical or “Lollipop” Lift: This technique involves two incisions; one around the edge of the areola, and the other running vertically from the bottom edge of the areola to the inframammary fold, creating a “lollipop” shape. It allows the surgeon to remove excess skin and reshape the entire breast. It’s suitable for moderate sagging and offers more extensive reshaping than the “Donut” lift.

4. Inverted T or “Anchor” Lift: This type of incision is the most invasive as it involves three distinct cuts. One is around the edge of the areola, the second runs vertically from the bottom edge of the areola to the breast crease, and the third is along the inframammary fold, hidden in the breast contour. This technique allows for significant skin removal and reshaping. It’s generally used for severe sagging and when a significant lift and reshaping are required.

Choosing the right type of incision is a critical decision that should be made in consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. The surgeon will take into account the patient’s individual circumstances, including their health history, breast size and shape, the amount of sagging, and the patient’s personal goals for the procedure.

Recovery period and care after breast lift in Istanbul

After stitching the incisions, a dressing is placed on the chest, and the patient will be given instructions on how to change it.

  • Wet dressing should be avoided.
  • Although the change in the position of the breast is obvious immediately after the surgery, the possibility of seeing swelling and inflammation in the breast tissue is completely normal and will disappear after some time.
  • This surgery is usually not accompanied by pain. However, if the pain level is unbearable for the patient, Maxen drugs prescribed by the chest doctor, such as acetaminophen, can be used.
  • It is recommended that the patient rest at home as much as possible and return to work one to two weeks later. Of course, the right time to return to work and perform activities will be considered according to the recovery process and the patient’s physical condition.
  • Performing intense physical activities such as sports, lifting heavy objects, or any activity that causes pressure on the breasts, is prohibited until a few weeks after surgery. But it is recommended that the patient start walking a few days after the surgery.
  • The important thing that the patient should pay attention to is that it is forbidden to sleep on the chest and the patient should sleep with an open arch for a while.

Results of breast lift surgery in Istanbul

Any surgery performed on the breasts will have swelling, bruising and relative bleeding.
Do not expect to be able to see the final result on the first day after the operation. But before your breasts swell or the effects of surgery appear on them, the surgeon takes the necessary images in the operating room. You can see the amount of changes in these images.

Although the results of mastopexy in Turkey are well known immediately after the operation, the best time is about a month after the operation, on this date the patient will feel the change in their breasts and realize how their breast shape will be.

If you take good care after breast lift and consider the surgeon’s recommendations, you will realize how much you have contributed to the recovery after surgery.

But what is important is that all the tips and care mentioned by the breast cosmetic surgeon must be followed so that the best results can be seen in the shortest possible time.

You may be worried about the incision and stitches. To the extent that the breasts have fallen and need changes, the cuts and stitches will increase, but there is no need to worry, these stitches are done so delicately that in the end, a small and thin scar remains.

The surgeon’s recommendation is to seek help from treatment methods such as laser or the use of strong strengthening creams after the redness of the surgical areas has disappeared.

What we must mention at the end is that factors such as age or weight changes can affect breast tissue even after surgery.
But the amount of changes will be much less than the changes before surgery.

Breast lift in Istanbul
Breast lift in Istanbul

Frequently asked questions about breast lift in Istanbul

I have sagging breasts after breastfeeding, can I return them to their previous state with exercise?

The breast tissue is such that volume effects are very effective on it. Things like weight loss or pregnancy and breastfeeding that change the size of the breasts can be harmful and cause sagging breasts.

Of course, sagging after childbirth or weight loss is different in different people. Genetic issues and skin type are also effective in spontaneous breast lift. But in general, breast sagging, if it is too much, will not be corrected by exercise or advertising creams.

Even after gaining weight, the breast may increase in volume and size, but it does not lift upwards. The best treatment options are breast prosthesis and breast lift surgery.

Do the stitches remain in the mastopexy in Turkey?

There are scars and stitches in all breast surgeries. But according to the delicacy of the surgeon’s operation and the methods used for suturing, the best and most beautiful state will be created.

Naturally, when the breast is cut, the cut area will remain, but this area will fade over time due to suture techniques and the use of restorative creams.

People who have high sensitivities can also get help from skin lasers, which is determined according to the type of skin and the amount of cutting.
In general, cuts and stitches are inflamed and red in the beginning, and they heal after about 6 months.

Can the breast be lifted with fat injection?

Fat injection and breast prosthesis are suitable for people who have partial sagging in this area, and with the increase in the volume of the breasts, they are well lifted and shaped.

But in cases of severe and high sagging, this is not possible and the surgeon recommends you to undergo a mastopexy in Turkey.

Is it possible for it to drop again after mastopexy in Turkey ?

Sagging breasts is a process that happens over several years or a long period. After breast lift in Istanbul, there is still a possibility of sagging, but the applicant usually performs this procedure under certain conditions

First of all, she does not have any weight changes after that and secondly, she does not intend to get pregnant.
Women who have not given birth are also advised to perform this surgery after becoming a mother and finishing breastfeeding.

Weight changes and loss of skin elasticity cause the breasts to sag. Of course, there is nothing to worry about because after breast lift in Istanbul, the sag will be very rare and insignificant.

The surgeon will remind you of the necessary precautions to prevent this problem.

Is it possible to have lift surgery and breast prosthesis at the same time?

Yes, this surgery is performed on people who have a lot of sagging breast skin and a small volume. In reality, the surgeon reconstructs and lifts the sagging and loose skin of the breast at the same time and takes the help of a breast prosthesis to compensate for its small volume.

During this surgery, changes are made simultaneously. The prosthesis is placed in the breasts, and finally the incisions are sutured.

The results of this surgery will be very ideal and pleasant for the person.

If you need advice, breast lift in Istanbul, contact via WhatsApp

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