Breast prosthesis in Istanbul – breast augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery, also known as breast implants or Breast prosthesis in Istanbul, is a cosmetic procedure to increase the size and improve the shape of a woman’s breasts.

Increasing the size and augmentation with Breast prosthesis in Istanbul is one of the common procedures for the beauty of the breast shape

In this procedure, breast volume is increased with silicone breast implants.

The goal is not only to enlarge the breast but also to create the appropriate shape of the breast.

Here are some important considerations regarding breast augmentation surgery:

• Risks and complications – Like with any surgery, there are risks including infection, bleeding, implant rupture or malposition, scarring, and capsular contracture. Some women also experience pain or changes in sensation.

• Anesthesia – Breast augmentation is typically performed under general anesthesia or IV sedation. The anesthesia used will depend on the patient and surgeon’s preference.

• Implant types – There are silicone gel implants and saline filled implants. Your surgeon can help you choose the best implant type for your desired outcome and body.

• Cost – The average cost of breast augmentation surgery ranges from $3,500 to $7,000 or more depending on implant type, surgeon fees, and location.

• Recovery – Most women are able to resume normal everyday activities within 1-2 weeks after surgery but lifting restrictions and some discomfort may last for 4-6 weeks.

• Long-term outcomes – Implants may need to be replaced every 10-20 years. There is also a small risk of silent implant rupture over time. Regular checkups with your surgeon are important.

• Psychological impact – While many women are happy with the outcome, breast augmentation surgery does not guarantee improved self-esteem, body image or emotional wellbeing.

Hope this helps! Consider discussing your options and concerns with multiple board-certified plastic surgeons to feel confident in your choice. Feel free to follow up if you have any other questions.

In choosing the right prosthesis size, factors such as the anatomical structure of the body and the size of the chest, chance and firmness of the skin should be considered along with the expectations of the patients.

Note that the Breast prosthesis in Istanbul operation does not cause any problem for breastfeeding

Breast implants do not cause breast cancer

You should use a special gun for one month after the Breast prosthesis in Istanbul

Sometimes, to enlarge breasts with a lot of drooping, it may be necessary to perform two breast lift and breast prosthesis together

breast augmentation in Istanbul procedure

Here are the key steps involved in the Breast prosthesis in Istanbul procedure:

1. Anesthesia: The patient is put under general anesthesia or IV sedation so they are asleep and pain-free during the surgery.

2. Incision: The surgeon makes an incision either around the nipple (periareolar), at the crease under the breast (inframammary fold), or in the armpit (transaxillary).

Incision site in breast implants surgery

There are three main incision sites used in breast augmentation surgery:

. Periareolar – The incision is made around the edge of the nipple. This leaves a scar that is typically concealed by the darker skin of the areola.

. Inframammary – The incision is made within the natural crease under the breast. This scar is also usually well hidden.

. Transaxillary – The incision is made in the armpit crease. Since there is no visible scar on the breast, this approach is considered the most discreet.

Breast prosthesis in Istanbul - breast augmentation
Breast prosthesis in Istanbul – breast augmentation

Each incision type has its pros and cons:


Pros – Most concealed scar
Cons – Higher risk of loss of nipple sensation


Pros – Lower risk of nipple sensation loss
Cons – Somewhat visible scar once breasts lift after surgery


Pros – No visible breast scarring
Cons – Longer surgery time, limitation on implant size due to incision size

The inframammary and periareolar approaches are the most common, while the transaxillary approach has gained popularity in recent years for its discreet scarring.

When choosing an incision site for your breast augmentation, factors to consider include:

• Desired size and shape of breasts
• Risk tolerance for potential complications
• Importance of scar visibility and nipple sensation
• Surgeon’s expertise and recommendation

3. Implant insertion: The breast implant is inserted into the created pocket either above or below the chest muscle. Saline implants are inflated at this stage.

4. Implant placement: The surgeon positions the implant to achieve the desired shape and symmetry. This may involve manipulating breast tissue.

5. Closing incisions: The incisions are closed using sutures or surgical tape. Steri-strips or glue may also be used for the periareolar incision.

6. Dressings: The breasts are then covered with surgical dressings like gauze pads and a surgical bra for support.

7. Recovery: The patient is monitored in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) until awake and stable. They are discharged home once meeting discharge criteria.

8. Follow-up: The patient follows up with their surgeon within the first 1-2 weeks to check the incisions, remove sutures if needed, and ensure the implants are properly positioned.

Additional steps may include pre-operative imaging like mammograms, marking the breast while awake, using drains to remove fluids, or applying compression garments. But the major phases of the procedure are implant insertion, placement and closure.

Hope this summary of the typical breast augmentation surgery procedure helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Breast prosthesis in Istanbul recovery course in Istanbul

The operation of silicone prosthesis takes about one to two hours.

You will stay overnight in the hospital to recover after the operation. The next day you are discharged with the permission of the surgeon.

Patients are advised to rest, especially in the first four days.

During this period, depending on whether the prosthesis is placed behind the muscle or in front of the muscle, you may experience various discomforts.

There is not much pain, but you may feel numbness in the chest area for a few days.

Swelling occurs in the first three days after surgery and starts to decrease on the fourth day.

After the fourth day, you can resume daily activities, but do not lift more than 5 kilos and postpone professional sports to the following months.

Where is the location of the silicone prosthesis?

The prosthesis can be placed in 3 positions, which depends on the condition of the amount of tissue and skin and the size of the prosthesis

  • on the pectoral muscle
  • Under the pectoral muscle
  • Some under and some on the breast muscle


Breast prosthesis surgery in Istanbul
Breast prosthesis in Istanbul – breast augmentation

What are the characteristics of silicone prosthesis?

There are two types of silicone and saline

They do not cause an allergic reaction.

They have no toxic side effects and no foreign body sensation.

There are two types, round and teardrop

How long is a Breast prosthesis in Istanbul?

Breast prosthesis surgery in Istanbul is a permanent procedure

But factors such as extreme weight changes, pregnancy and aging may cause changes in breast size and sagging

In this case, you can replace or remove the Breast prosthesis in Istanbul

Usually, the new generation prostheses are very resistant and the probability of their tearing is very low

How long does the Breast prosthesis in Istanbul typically take?

Breast augmentation surgery typically takes between 1 to 2 hours, depending on a few factors:

– Implant type: Saline implants tend to be faster since they can be inflated once inserted. Silicone gel implants require more time to position properly.

– Incision location: The incision is made either around the nipple ( periareolar), underneath the breast in the fold (inframammary), or in the armpit (transaxillary). Armpit incisions tend to be quicker.

– Suturing technique: More complex suturing and tissue manipulation can extend the surgery time.

– Patient factors: Body shape, breast tissue composition, and other anatomical considerations can affect surgery time.

– Surgeon experience: More experienced surgeons tend to perform breast augmentation faster since they have “perfected” the technique through many procedures.

The duration of the surgery itself is just one part of the process. You’ll also have preoperative preparation like paperwork, clothing changes, and IV insertion. After surgery, you’ll spend time in the recovery room to monitor for any issues before being discharged home.

So in total, plan to be at the surgical facility for about 3 to 4 hours for breast augmentation surgery. But the actual “time under the knife” is normally between 60 to 120 minutes, depending mainly on the factors above.

Hope this information helps clarify! Let me know if you have any other questions.

How much does Breast prosthesis in Istanbul cost in Istanbul?

The price of the surgery depends on the salary of the surgeon, anesthetist and hospital and the price of the Breast prosthesis in Istanbul

Usually, the cost of the above items is around 2700 to 3000 dollars

For breast implant surgery in Istanbul, you need to stay in Istanbul for one week, and the hotel and flight costs are added to the cost of this operation.

بهترین جراح پروتز سینه تهران

Is breast implant surgery in Istanbul covered by insurance?

Because this is a cosmetic procedure, it is usually not covered by health insurance

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Breast augmentation with fat injection?

Patients who do not have enough breast tissue or have thin skin

It is recommended to use fat injection instead of silicone prosthesis

If the person is very thin and has thin skin, breast augmentation is not recommended.

In order to be able to perform this operation, the patient’s body must have enough fat tissue.

Most of the fat is taken from the abdomen.


Sample photo of breast augmentation surgery in Istanbul

Mommy Makeover in Istanbul

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