Dental implants in Istanbul

Dental implants in Istanbul are a permanent way to replace missing teeth.
With the spread of dental implant treatment, people are worried about losing their teeth and no longer go for artificial teeth.
Placing the implant in the mouth does not cause any problems for use, and a person can use it for the rest of his life without any problems.

Dental implants in Istanbul are made of pure titanium, which is compatible with the human body. Its shape is a narrow rod that is placed inside the jaw bone.

Dental implants in IstanbulDental implants in IstanbulThe two main parts of the dental implant shown in the photo above are the fixture and the abutment. The part that is placed inside the jawbone is called the fixture and the part of the crown that is placed above the gum is called the abutment.

It is placed on the prosthesis abutment or implant cover. The base material of the implant is titanium.

Since the titanium in the implants is perfectly compatible with the jawbone, the implants do not cause slippage, noise and damage to the bone.


Who are suitable candidates for dental implants in Istanbul?

  • If all the front or back teeth are missing.
  • If one of the front teeth is missing and the distance between the side teeth is normal.
  • If more than one tooth is missing and the distance between the side teeth is normal.
  • If one or more teeth are missing from the end of each dental arch and the tooth is normal on only one side.

Who are not suitable candidates for dental implants in Istanbul?

  • People who have gum problems and oral and gum infections should first treat the gum problems and diseases and then proceed with dental implants.
  • People with uncontrolled diabetes
  • Smokers should stop smoking for a while
  • People who have a history of radiotherapy and chemotherapy
  • Anticoagulants should be stopped 5 to 7 days before dental implantation
  • Pregnant women are advised to postpone dental implants until after pregnancy
  • If you don’t have enough time for two stages of the trip to Istanbul
Dental implants in Istanbul
Dental implants in Istanbul

Dental implant procedures in Istanbul

If you plan to travel to Istanbul for dental implants, know that dental implants in Istanbul are a process that requires you to travel to Istanbul at least 2 times.

The first stage of the trip to Istanbul for dental implants

The time of the first stage is at least 4 days, depending on whether you do not have other gum diseases

It is better to consult with a dentist in Istanbul before traveling and send the OPG photo of the tooth so that the exact time of the first stage of tooth implantation in Istanbul can be determined.

  • Examining the person and determining the type and number of implants
  • Removing the damaged tooth (tooth extraction) if needed
  • Jaw bone preparation (bone graft) if needed
  • Implant base planting

The second stage of the trip to Istanbul is usually 4 to 6 months after the first stage

The time of the second stage is mostly spent on preparing the crown or implant prosthesis, and if the stage of making the crowns is done quickly, it can save your money.

Usually, the second stage of dental implant in Istanbul lasts between one and two weeks

  • Bone growth and repair
  • Color selection and molding and sending to the laboratory
  • Final implant placement

Dental implant care in Istanbul

  • Avoid brushing your teeth for 1 day after the implant.
  • On the first day, avoid eating and drinking hot foods and it is recommended to eat ice cream
  • Do not rinse your mouth for 8 hours after implantation.
  • Avoid smoking, drinking tea and coffee for 3 days after planting.
  • The use of drugs and alcohol makes the implant not completely successful.
  • After the implant, use dental floss and toothpaste for implantation.
  • It is possible to drink water after implantation, but in the case of eating, it should be done after the end of anesthesia.
  • Avoid drinking liquids with a straw (at least two weeks).
  • Avoid drinking liquids and hot foods.

How much does dental implant cost in Istanbul?

The cost and price of dental implants depends on the individual’s dental condition.
This price is determined by the implant specialist after the visit.
There are many factors in determining the price of dental implants in Istanbul. Among the factors that can be mentioned:

  • It is done by a specialist or general practitioner.
  • Does it need a bone graft or not?
  • The need for a sinus lift
  • Implant brand
Type of implant The price of each implant unit in Istanbul Number
 Normal Korean implant $250 1 unit
 Korean implant under American license $300 1 unit
 German implant $350 1 unit
 American implant $450 1 unit

Are dental implants painful?

Implant placement is often easier than tooth extraction and is usually done using a simple local anesthetic.
You will never feel pain, but just like with a tooth extraction, you may feel discomfort during the week following dental surgery.

If you are very nervous or if you have a complicated case, your dentist can prescribe a pain reliever.
General anesthesia is rarely used for implant placement and is usually only used for very complex cases.


Are dental implants safe and how long do they last?

Implant implantation is a safe and good treatment method. It’s probably fair to say that implants are just like natural teeth and will last as long as you take care of them.

If you take good care of your implanted teeth and visit your dentist regularly to maintain and clean them, how effective you will be in their durability and longevity.

If you do not take care of your implanted teeth, they will create the same coatings on your natural teeth that you have neglected. If left untreated, implants can cause damage to the gums, the environment, and general pain and discomfort. You can get rid of all these problems by having natural teeth.

If you take good care of your dental implants and if the bone they are placed in is strong and healthy, you can expect them to last well. However, just like other surgical implants (such as hip replacement) there is no guarantee of durability.

Dental implants in Iran


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1 year ago

What is the cost of dental implants in Istanbul?
From Germany, I want to travel to Istanbul for dental treatment and implantation
I want 4 dental implants
How many days should I be in Istanbul for the first stage of dental implant surgery?
How many months should I return and how long is the second stay?

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