Introducing the types of face lift surgery in Turkey

The aging process in the face and the falling and lowering of the tissues over time and due to the permanent effect of gravity on the whole body including the facial tissues, although the genetics of people, smoking, stress, medication and diseases, sunlight, weight gain and loss, etc., all accelerate. These are effective aging processes.

Many methods have been invented to rejuvenate the face and neck. including non-surgical methods such as lasers, peelings, etc.

But since long ago, the main treatment method and the most important and stable method for face and neck rejuvenation is face lift surgery in Turkey.

Various methods are used in face lift surgery in Turkey, which is suggested and applied by the plastic surgeon depending on the age and clinical conditions.

The face and neck are divided into three areas.

  • forehead to the side of the eyes
  • from the side of the eyes to the angle of the jaw (mid face)
  • Neck

Cutting site in all types of face lift surgery in Turkey:

Forehead lift: from the forehead to the side of the eyes

Face lift (Midface) Face: in front of the ear

Neck lift: from behind the ear and continuing on the side of the hair growth on the back of the head

Cutting in all types of face lift surgery
Cutting in all types of face lift surgery in Turkey

Open forehead lift

The cut is across the top of the forehead and at the place where the hair grows or a little further back in the hair. It is used for very severe cases and very deep forehead wrinkles

The problem is the scar of the surgical site, which can be seen, and in some cases, it can cause hair loss in that area.

Endoscopic forehead lift:

The golden standard and newer method is the lifting of the forehead area (forehead above the eyes). It is done using 4 to 5 small incisions about one centimeter behind the hair growth area.

Therefore, the operation site cannot be seen. With this method, you can raise the eyebrows, raise the forehead, lift the side of the eyes and create permanent cat eyes or Cleopatra eyes.

mid face lift

1_ Endoscopic method: unlike the endoscopic method in the forehead area, this method is not very effective in the middle of the face and is not very popular in the world.

Because the middle of the face is thicker than the forehead, and endoscopic lifting does not have the ability to lift and remove excess skin in this area, and this method is not recommended for lifting the middle of the face.

2- Open method: There are various methods such as plication, smas, high smas, double plan, macs lift, etc., each of which is chosen depending on the preference of the plastic surgeon and the surgical method required by the patient.

It is better to leave the choice of operation method in this area to your surgeon.

Pony tail facelift:

This term is mostly used by patients to express the form of request and is not a new and unique method in surgery

Like when the hair is tied from the back in a ponytail, which causes the scalp to stretch, followed by the stretching of the forehead upwards and the corners of the eyes and eyebrows, and even some of the cheeks upwards and backwards. The face of the ponytail is tightly closed.

Neck lift:

Problems in the neck area vary from a small amount of fat and excess skin to hanging skin and vertical bands in the neck. Depending on the amount of excess skin and hanging neck muscles, it can be done by suction alone or by performing a more extensive surgical procedure with fat draining and skin removal. Addition and repair of neck muscles was helped for surgery in this area.

Mini face lift ( short scar ) or short scar:

In some people, who are usually less than 50 years old, there is no excess skin and no problem in the neck area, and the problem is only in the cheek area up to the laugh line, depending on the opinion of the surgeon, it can be done by using only a limited incision in front of the ear. It helped and there is no need to continue cutting under the ear and behind the ear and towards the hair at the back.

The choice of surgical method is only possible with the opinion of your plastic surgeon, and the mere age of less than fifty does not make you a candidate for this surgical method.

Applications with face lift:

Usually, in all cases of lifting the middle part of the face, fat injection is used simultaneously. A person may need blepharoplasty (upper eyelid surgery) and lower eyelid blepharoplasty at the same time.

Age at the start of facelift surgery in Turkey:

Usually, it is not possible to predict a specific age for surgery and at what age what type of surgery is considered for the patient.

You are a candidate for beautification of that part, depending on which part of the face you suffer from and to what extent you suffer from sagging and loss of volume.

But in general, endoscopic forehead lift can be done from a young age without fear or serious complications.

A lift with a short scar, which is known as a mini lift among people, is usually suitable for people who do not have much sagging in the middle of the face and their neck is not too loose.

But always remember that determining the surgical method is a very specialized task and leave this choice completely to your plastic surgeon.

Almost all cases of face lift surgery in Turkey (forehead, neck, etc.) are performed with general anesthesia, but the model of this anesthesia is different from other anesthesias, such as anesthesia for abdominal surgery, and they are lighter.

It is important to know that lifts with anesthesia, which are usually performed in offices by non-plastic surgeons, such as temple lifts or face lifts in the office,

Because a long-lasting full lift cannot be done with local anesthesia due to the high pain

Therefore, in all types of lifts in the office with anesthesia, only a small amount of skin is removed along with stretching the remaining skin, and the full lift is not done, so it has little durability.

For example, regarding temple lift, which is performed in the office without anesthesia and with anesthesia instead of forehead lift to raise the eyebrows.

A small amount of scalp is cut, then the skin is pulled up and back

But because the important ligaments around the eyes cannot be released in this way,

The temple lift in the office with anesthesia is completely reversible, and after the skin removal points are returned in the scalp, hairless surgical scar areas with baldness remain unsightly.


Procedures before face lift surgery in Turkey:

Like all head and neck surgeries, due to the nature of the head and neck tissue, which is very full of blood, low blood pressure before and during surgery plays an important role in reducing bruising and swelling after surgery.

Routine tests before surgery, blood coagulation tests, etc. are requested for this operation, just like other head and neck cosmetic surgeries.

Also, like other cosmetic surgeries, your plastic surgeon will ask you for a photo or photograph in a photography studio for medical photography, heart consultation or any other consultation such as internal medicine, etc. if needed.

The face lift surgery time is completely dependent on the number and model of surgeries performed and is very variable. A large and complete surgery (fat injection, forehead lift along with face and neck with upper and lower eyelid surgery, etc.) may take up to 5-6 hours.

Since these surgeries are mostly performed on elderly people, it is necessary to make sure of the general health, such as the presence of diabetes or high blood sugar, the absence of blood pressure and its control, before the surgery.

It is necessary not to smoke, not to use aspirin and other anticoagulants before this surgery, and be sure to inform your plastic surgeon about your diseases and all the medications you are taking before the surgery and at the very first meeting with the doctor.

After the surgery, you will have tingling and numbness for some time, numbness in the operation area, which is completely normal and will return over time.

After surgery, it is necessary to use special stretchy dressings for face dressing for a while, which your plastic surgeon will prescribe for you if needed.

Until some time after the surgery (about 7 to 10 days), depending on the blood pressure and the surgical model, there is a possibility of bruising, which will be resolved and is nothing to worry about.

In order to reduce the swelling after surgery, it is better to keep the head above the body level and avoid salt consumption during the first few days after the surgery.

If it is necessary to use medicine to reduce the swelling or reduce the scarring of the wounds, your plastic surgeon will definitely prescribe it for you.


The first day to the 30th day after face lift surgery in Turkey:

first day:

The first day after surgery is the most uncomfortable day. The anesthetic drugs are still in small amounts in your body and you feel confused, sleepy, mild headache and sore throat.

Many plastic surgeons prefer that their patients stay in the hospital the first night after surgery because the most time you may need painkillers is on the first day after surgery.

Ice compresses and keeping the head up will help swelling and bruises to heal faster

Sleep with two pillows at night so that the head is higher than the body

If you are discharged from the hospital in the evening of the day of surgery, you must have a reliable companion to take you home from the clinic

second day :

Usually, the first visit after surgery is done on this day and your plastic surgeon will see your wounds on this day. The amount of bruising and swelling and the removal of the drain, if your plastic surgeon has placed it for you, will be done on this day.

third day :

Although on this day you feel fresh and better, it is better to rest more. Maximum bruising and swelling can be seen on the third and fourth day, but it may take weeks for the swelling to disappear.

Fourth to seventh day:

During these days, if you wish, you can probably easily do light activities at home. Usually, during these days, the need for painkillers will decrease and you will no longer need to take painkillers, but if you are prescribed antibiotics by your doctor, you must take them until the end. continue. In these days, you feel that the inflation has started to improve.

Second week after surgery (8th to 14th day):

You still have some bruises in the neck area. Swelling, facial stiffness, tingling and humming under the skin, feeling of insect movement under the skin, numbness of the skin after lift surgery are completely normal and nothing to worry about and will disappear over time.

At the end of the second week, you can almost do all light daily activities indoors and outdoors.

During the second week, whenever you feel that the number of bruises has decreased enough that you can go to work, you will not be prohibited from returning to work, provided that your work does not involve heavy physical activity.

The third and fourth week after surgery (15th to 30th day):

The swelling and stiffness of the face has decreased. At the end of this period, people can safely do their usual sports and activities. Depending on the type of lift and the healing process, the stitches can be removed from the first week to the end of the first month.

The place of incisions and stitches are red and pink at first, and gradually it will become pale and the same color as other areas of the skin.

After the first month:

Now it’s time to go back to your previous activities and life without restrictions with a new face. Remember that swelling, tingling, and numbness may take up to a year to resolve.

Always remember that the times mentioned above are approximate and differ for each person depending on the type of surgery. You should always follow the instructions of your plastic surgeon.


Face lift tips and how to fix them:

Since the facial nerve (responsible for the movement of all the muscles in the face) can be damaged and severed during facelift surgery  (unfortunately, this complication is almost irreversible), only highly specialized plastic surgeons who are trained for this surgery are able to perform this surgery and If there is a complication for the nerve, they have the ability to treat it.

Be sure to be careful in choosing the best facelift surgeon before proceeding with the surgery .

Hematoma (presence of blood under the skin and accumulation of blood) and wound healing:

Before surgery and during the first consultation with your plastic surgeon, be sure to tell your doctor about all the medications and vitamins you are taking.

Some blood thinners, such as aspirin, warfarin, etc., need to be stopped before surgery.

Smoking, diabetes, corticosteroid drugs can cause severe problems in surgery.

Be sure to let your plastic surgeon know about them at your first doctor’s appointment.


The cost and price of face lifts:

All face lift surgeries have different conditions and a fixed price cannot be set for them

Therefore, we declare the average cost

The doctor’s salary and the hospital fee, and in some facelifts, tools are needed for the lift, have the greatest impact on the prices.

You can see the lowest and highest prices in the table below

This table predicts the salary of a plastic surgeon and performs a facelift operation in the hospital

The name of face lift surgery in Turkey

lowest price

average price

The cost of an open forehead lift 2500 euros 3500 euros
The price of endoscopic forehead lift 2500 euros 3500 euros
The cost of a mid-face lift
Endoscopic method It varies according to the type of operation It varies according to the type of operation
Open method 4000 euros 5000 euros
The price of mini face lift 2000 euros 3000 euros
The cost of a ponytail lift It is different according to the type of lifts It is different according to the type of lifts


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