All tips about rhinoplasty in Istanbul

The nose is one of the most important parts of the face, which is very effective in the beauty of the face, and nose surgery has a great impact on the beauty of the face

Therefore, choosing the best nose surgeon in Istanbul is important

The medical staff in Istanbul speak Turkish and some of them speak English

A translator may be needed for proper communication with the doctor

In this article, we also introduce a number of English-speaking surgeons in Istanbul and hospitals that have translators in different languages

rhinoplasty in Istanbul

rhinoplasty in Istanbul

Who are good candidates for nose surgery?

  • People who have reached puberty
  • People who have an inappropriate nose appearance
  • People who have good physical health
  • People who do not have mental problems and obsessions and have realistic expectations of the result of nose surgery
  • People who are not smokers
  • People who do not have very thin or very thick nose skin

What people are not suitable candidates for nose surgery?

  • Athletes, because after nose surgery, more care of the nose is needed
  • People who have unrealistic expectations and if the person’s goal of nose surgery is to compare with another person’s nose, there will be a high probability of dissatisfaction.
  • elderly
  • People who have blood diseases and clotting problems
  • Overweight people
  • People with severe respiratory problems and allergies
  • People who have freckles or skin sores

If you are eligible for nose surgery, you should first contact the nose surgeon

Talk to the surgeon about the cost of the surgery (including the surgeon’s fee, the cost of the operating room and anesthesia, and the cost of one night’s hospitalization).

Usually, the surgeon asks you to send a photo of your face from the front and from the side

Inform the surgeon about any diseases or medications you are taking

Finally, when you decide to have a nose job in Istanbul, discuss the surgery day with the doctor

Usually, plan a trip to Istanbul between 8 and 10 days for nose surgery

first day :

A visit with a surgeon and a blood test and CT scan of the nose

If you are over 40 years old, heart consultation is needed

second day :

Rhinoplasty in Istanbul usually takes between 2 and 4 hours

You are in the hospital at night and you can go to the hotel on the third day after the surgeon’s visit

The third day to the eighth day:

If you don’t have any acute problems during these days, it is better to rest, and from the fifth to the eighth day, you can visit the beautiful city of Istanbul for a limited time.

Eighth day :

On this day, wash your face before meeting with the surgeon

The surgeon removes the nasal cast or splint

It will teach you how to apply nose tape for a period of one to two months

And you can return to your country

Note that the procedures before and after the nose job are very effective in the result of the nose job

Other important points for planning a therapeutic trip to Istanbul:

Book accommodation or a hotel near a hospital or doctor’s office

In some areas, the high traffic of the stables and the distance of the route can cause complications in the nose surgery process

If you are traveling alone, it is better to ask the doctor or the hospital to send a nurse to the hotel to check your condition on the second night after the operation.

Some health tourism companies in Istanbul provide transportation, translation, hotel and nurse reservations, and visits to Istanbul, and using these services will be useful for you.

If you plan to visit the beautiful city of Istanbul in addition to nose surgery, it is better to visit Istanbul first and then plan a week for rhinoplasty in Istanbul.

The cost of rhinoplasty in Istanbul and comparison with other countries

The cost of rhinoplasty in Istanbul

The cost of rhinoplasty in Istanbul Average Cost (USD) Average cost (Turkish Lira)
nose surgery $2,000 ₺17,000
Meaty nose surgery $2,200 ₺19,000
Secondary rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose $2,600 ₺21,100
Secondary rhinoplasty operation (second time) $2,800 ₺28,000

If you’ve been considering rhinoplasty, rhinoplasty or nose reshaping to improve the beauty and function of your nose, you may be surprised by the costs in the EU, UK or US.

When you compare the costs and quality of services in clinics in Istanbul and Turkey, you will see that it is the most affordable and convenient alternative.
The cost of rhinoplasty in Istanbul starts from $2000 to $2800.

The cost of rhinoplasty in Turkey 1500 € 7000 €
The cost of rhinoplasty in the United States 5500 € 16000 €
The cost of rhinoplasty in Europe 5500 € 12000 €
The cost of rhinoplasty in the UK 6550 19500 €
The cost of nose surgery in Tehran 1200 € 3500 €
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Top 5 Cheapest Countries for Rhinoplasty

rhinoplasty in Istanbul
rhinoplasty in Istanbul

تجمیل الأنف فی إیرانBest country for rhinoplasty

بهترین جراحان بینی

Sample photo of nose surgery in Istanbul

Doctor and surgery clinic

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1 year ago

I want to come from Germany for a nose job
Please advise for online consultation
Two years ago I had a rhinoplasty and I want to repair it

1 year ago

How much does rhinoplasty cost in Istanbul?
I had a nose job before and it has been 2 years
How much is the price of secondary nose surgery in Turkey?

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