What are the procedures of brachioplasty or arm lift in Istanbul?

Brachioplasty is a specialized term that is used for arm lifting, and in fact, this term means reconstructive surgery of the arm.

In other words, arm lift in Istanbul or brachioplasty is a surgery that removes the loose skin in the lower part of the skin. The purpose of an arm lift is to bring the appearance of the arm into harmony with the rest of the body.

Arm surgery is usually performed when sagging or laxity of the arm does not respond to diet or exercise.

Thin and fat people can be candidates for arm lift surgery. Aging can cause sagging skin, but younger people may also seek brachioplasty due to genetics or recent weight loss.

Arm lipomatics or arm brachioplasty surgery

Basically, lipomatics is a device that a plastic surgeon uses to remove excess fat from the skin.

Performing lipomatics also causes the skin to shrink to some extent.

So, in cases where there is mild to moderate laxity in people’s arms and the skin has a relatively healthy appearance, lipomatics is enough to shrink and tighten the skin of the arm.

But in case of severe skin sagging of the arm, the result of skin tightening with lipomatics is not acceptable and brachioplasty or open surgery for the arm should be performed at the same time.

arm lift in Istanbul
arm lift in Istanbul

Suitable candidate for arm lift in Istanbul

Brachioplasty operation is for men and women who suffer from skin sagging in the armpit or arm area and cannot correct them through exercise.

Muscles can become stiff. Most people who face this problem have experienced significant weight loss.

Others notice changes in the elasticity of their skin due to aging.

People who are looking for an arm lift should have a stable body weight in relation to their body structure and height. All candidates for this procedure must be in good health before deciding to undergo brachioplasty surgery.

Arm lift surgery consultation in Istanbul

The plastic surgeon usually performs a complete examination and after evaluating the quality of the skin, the natural shape of the arm, body type and cosmetic goals, he can evaluate which technique is most useful for you.

This is also to ensure that you are healthy enough to undergo surgery. He shows you before and after pictures of his previous patients with similar body types who underwent a similar procedure.

Results vary from patient to patient, but this will give you an idea of what to expect. At this time, we can also talk about the cost of arm lift surgery.

arm lift in Istanbul is performed with anesthesia or anesthesia?

Arm lift can be done under general anesthesia or local anesthesia.
According to religion, we will no longer have the risks of anesthesia complications and there is no concern for the operation.

But in most cases, this procedure begins with the appropriate dose of anesthesia and then the incision site is determined on the arms. The type of anesthesia considered depends on your health, personal preferences, and your doctor’s advice.


Arm lift surgery in Istanbul

Depending on the technique performed, brachioplasty usually takes between 1-2 hours. This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis with local or general anesthesia.

In some cases, if this procedure is combined with liposuction, the results will be more satisfactory. Although the surgical techniques are different, the basic steps of this surgery are the same.

After anesthesia or anesthesia, an incision is made in the armpit area. By making an incision in the armpit, this scar will be barely visible.

For a standard brachioplasty, an incision is made from the elbow to the armpit, the appropriate amount of fat and skin is removed, and the skin is sutured.

or those with a large amount of excess skin, fat, tissue, and skin are removed proportionally from the elbow to the chest.

Regardless of the technique, there is always a scar in the armpit, but the extent of the scar in the arm will vary with different methods. More complicated procedures mean more scars.

How many methods are arm lift surgery performed?

Arm lifting is done in two ways:

The first type of brachioplasty is used when a person only needs an arm lift, and the next type is when a person needs an arm lift at the same time as an armpit lift.
In each of these two types of arm lift, the surgical incision is somewhat different from each other.

Recovery period after arm lift in Istanbul

  • Both arms are wrapped in a tight bandage. This will reduce inflation. The doctor may need to use a drain to absorb excess fluid.
  • Slight numbness or tingling is normal for the first week or two and will subside over time. If necessary, Dr. Sanai will prescribe you painkillers and antinausea drugs. You must take the medication as directed.
  • Do not shower in the first week after the operation. The drain and bandage are usually removed in the first week during the visit to the doctor. At the next appointment, the surgeon will assess your recovery and provide instructions.
  • You can resume normal activities 3-7 days after the appointment. Avoid heavy work and heavy activities for about 6 weeks.

Scar location in brachioplasty surgery

If the correct techniques are used for surgery and suture repair, the suture marks will be a thin line that will disappear after one to two years in people with good scars.

Patients who have laxity and drooping of the arm always have the question that this stitch place, which is usually visible after the operation, when wearing open clothes, the arm can be seen well, it does not show a bad sight. ?

There is nothing to worry about and having a good stitch is much better than having a big and loose arm.

Care after brachioplasty in Istanbul

  • 2 to 3 days after surgery, resting at home is enough.
  • The surgery is semi-invasive and is not considered a heavy surgery.
  • There is almost no pain after surgery.
  • On the night of surgery, the person is discharged from the surgeon’s opinion.
  • Wearing an arm brace for 20 days is enough.
  • The wound is bandaged for 2-3 weeks.
  • For a week after surgery, it is better not to water the operation site.
  • Upper body sports should be avoided for 6 months.
  • Performing daily and light activities is unimpeded.

Brachioplasty recommendations arm lift in Istanbul

It is recommended that if you know the best plastic surgeon and are aware of his expertise and experience, you should definitely do this surgery with him.
The result of the surgery depends a lot on whether your cosmetic surgeon uses the correct technique and makes the right stitches.

Results obtained from arm lift surgery

Most brachioplasty patients are satisfied with their results and their self-confidence increases because they are able to wear short-sleeved shirts and short-sleeved shirts to define their arms.

Improved results can be seen immediately after the procedure, although there will be some swelling. Final results can be seen in less than 3 months.

The results will last as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Note that the arm lift cannot prevent the natural sagging of the skin due to aging.


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