Best cosmetic dentist in Istanbul

The effect of a smile on the face is great, in such a way that nowadays most people want a beautiful smile in their friendly and social group, in some people, untidy or yellow teeth cause a person not to have complete self-confidence among friends and or avoid being in public.

In the past, it was not possible for a person to restore his teeth, but today, fortunately, with new dental methods, it is possible to create special beauty in addition to solving dental problems.

A Best cosmetic dentist in Istanbul performs many treatments for the beauty of the applicant’s mouth and teeth with a combination of science and art and helps them improve their smile design.

Some people do not smile because of ugly teeth or try not to let anyone see their teeth when they laugh. All these problems can be solved by visiting the best cosmetic dentistry.

History of cosmetic dentistry

The importance of beautiful and clean teeth has been known to people since ancient times, so that 3000 years before Christ, people used tree wood to clean their teeth. In the late 1400s, the first toothbrush was made from animal hair, which was not very hygienic, and in the following years, i.e. 1938, the first toothbrush entered the market.

There is not much documentation of early cosmetic dentistry procedures, but we do know that some ancient civilizations used tooth-like materials for replacement and restoration.

Sometimes teeth were even taken from the dead or extracted and sold by living donors, although the resulting prostheses smelled of decay and quickly deteriorated. Until 200 AD, they used gold as dental crowns and dental bridges. Other cultures that used cosmetic dentistry were the ancient Egyptians, who pounded seashells into their gums as tooth replacements.

Egyptians also made toothpaste from pumice stone and vinegar to remove stains from their teeth, and the early Romans used toothpaste containing urine.

Although ammonia sounds disgusting, it is actually a natural teeth whitening agent, and varieties of it were used as far back as the 18th century. In 1130, hairdressers entered the field of dentistry and helped dentists. Groomers would file teeth and cover them with acid to make them whiter, but the acid eventually eroded the enamel and ate away at the teeth. Sometimes precious stones were even used to decorate the teeth.

Best cosmetic dentist in Istanbul
Best cosmetic dentist in Istanbul

Dental anatomy

One of the hardest structures in the body are the teeth, the teeth are responsible for chewing food, proper pronunciation and the beauty of the mouth. Humans generally have two types of teeth, which include deciduous and permanent teeth.
Milk teeth are temporary teeth that form since childhood and are usually replaced by permanent teeth at the age of 12 to 14 years. Teeth are made up of different parts, which we will explain about each part.

Tooth crown: The crown is the part of the tooth that is outside the gum and is visible in the mouth. The tooth crown is covered with enamel and has different shapes.

Neck: Between the crown and the root, there is the neck of the tooth, which includes the gum, pulp and pulp cavity.

Root: The root of the tooth is inside the gum and cannot be seen. The root of the tooth is fixed in the jawbone with the help of gums. Usually front teeth have one root and molars have more than one root.

Tooth enamel: One of the hardest parts of teeth is tooth enamel, which is made up of minerals, organic materials and water. Enamel covers the dentin and has different thicknesses in different parts of the tooth.

Dentin: Another part of the tooth is the dentin, which is one of the longest parts of the tooth and is located between the tooth enamel and cementum and the pulp cavity. Dentin is usually yellow or gray in color.

The importance of visiting a Best cosmetic dentist in Istanbul

The teeth are located in the central part of the face and can be seen when talking and laughing. You have even seen people who try to hide their smile or pucker their lips when they laugh. Having yellow, broken and untidy teeth can have a great impact on a person’s self-confidence.


What is the difference between a cosmetic dentist and a general dentist?

A cosmetic dentist receives the same basic training as a general dentist. Cosmetic dentists can perform all the necessary procedures that a general dentist can do. Both general and cosmetic dentists can provide services such as bridges, tooth fillings, etc. to do

The main difference between cosmetic dentistry and general dentistry is that if you are concerned about the appearance of your teeth, visiting a cosmetic dentist of the highest quality will give you the best cosmetic results.
A general dentist takes care of the basic needs of your teeth, while a cosmetic dentist focuses more on the beauty of the patient’s smile. Both general and cosmetic dentists can fill a cavity.
However, the cosmetic dentist will focus on the appearance of your teeth afterwards and can use composite fillings to match the color of your teeth.


Who are the right candidates to see a cosmetic dentist in Istanbul?

You may think to yourself whether I am a good candidate to visit a cosmetic dentist or not… First of all, you need to know that the most important criterion for performing cosmetic services is to have healthy teeth.
The meaning of this sentence is that first the basic dental problems such as caries and infections should be fixed, then proceed to cosmetic services. Below we have prepared a list of people who are good candidates to see a cosmetic dentist:

  • People who have yellow teeth and want their teeth color to be brighter and more shiny.
  • People whose teeth are irregular and have a gap between them.
  • People who want to change the shape of their teeth.
  • People who have lost one or more teeth.
  • People with short and long teeth.
  • People with broken teeth.


What services does a Best cosmetic dentist in Istanbul provide?

In general, cosmetic dentistry refers to any treatment that makes one tooth or all of a person’s teeth beautiful.
In this treatment, in addition to appearance, dental health is also improved. Among the cosmetic dentistry services are teeth whitening, teeth straightening or tooth placement. Some patients achieve the smile they have always dreamed of with just one treatment, but others need more than one treatment, which the dentist will guide them through.

When a person has a beautiful smile, his self-confidence increases significantly, a beautiful smile also affects a person’s life and makes a person more successful and happy. The Hollywood smile makes a person’s smile look very beautiful, the reason for this is the changes that occur in the gums and the way the teeth are positioned. Turkeyana dental clinic creates this smile with the latest techniques in the world.

To correct the design of a person’s smile, the dentist first examines his teeth to make sure that the only problem with the teeth is their appearance and that they do not have any other problems and that there are no signs of disease in their mouths.

In this case, he suggests methods of beautifying the smile to the person and according to the dentist’s discretion, the applicant’s opinion and the type of patient’s problem, he chooses one of the teeth whitening treatments, tooth bleaching, composite veneer, ceramic laminate, dental implants or… and is used.

Dental laminate in Istanbul

One of the cosmetic methods in dentistry that has been welcomed in recent years is dental laminate.
In this method, the undesirable appearance of the teeth such as crookedness, cracking, fracture, yellowness, etc. can be covered with a laminate coating and give the teeth an attractive appearance. Before dental lamination, all oral and dental problems such as decay, gum infection, etc. must be resolved.
The important point for people who have habits like nail biting, teeth grinding, etc. is that they should leave them before laminating.

Ceramic laminates are like artificial nails that need to be glued on the teeth. In ceramic laminates, a very thin porcelain shell is used, which requires spending time to prepare outside the office and laboratory, which means that the laminate process will not be finished in one day.



Advantages of dental laminate in Istanbul

  • Laminate has a natural appearance.
  • Laminate is a minimally invasive method and does not require a large part of the tooth to be cut.
  • Compared to composites, they are resistant to yellowing.
  • The durability and longevity of laminates is very high.
  • Results can be seen quickly after installation.

Disadvantages of dental laminate in Istanbul

  • Laminates are permanent and irreversible because your teeth are filed.
  • It is possible for the teeth to become sensitive to food and drink.
  • A tooth sharpener is needed to work laminates.
  • The process of making laminates takes some time.


Dental bridge in Istanbul

Sometimes a missing tooth in the mouth causes an ugly smile and many problems. Among the most common causes of tooth loss are decay, congenital disease, gum disease, and injury, which can cause many problems for a person, such as reduced self-confidence, inability to chew food, etc.
A dental bridge is usually suitable for people who have one or more teeth extracted and now want to cover this gap with one or more artificial (false) teeth.

For this, a fixed bridge is used with the help of two side teeth. Dental bridge can be made of porcelain, which looks like other teeth.
By placing a dental bridge, the problems of chewing food, the pain caused by the pressure of the teeth, the problem of speaking and the problem of biting will be solved and your teeth will be more beautiful. If you take good care of the dental bridge, this device can remain in a person’s mouth for years.


Gum smile treatment in Istanbul

A gummy smile is a state in which the teeth and gums of the upper jaw are clearly visible when laughing and the person cannot hide it.
Normally, the gums should be visible 1-2 mm when laughing, and in a gummy smile, the gums may be visible up to 7 mm, and in this case, the person may feel ugly. Gummy smile occurs for various reasons such as short upper lip, small lips, short and small teeth, and some ossification problems. A gummy smile can cause many problems for a person, for example, the gums will be slightly damaged and inflamed when brushing.

Gummy smile treatment is usually performed in dentistry on an outpatient basis without anesthesia. Other treatment methods include gel injection and Botox.

Best cosmetic dentist in Istanbul
Best cosmetic dentist in Istanbul – Gummy smile

Composite teeth in Istanbul

Dental composites are a subset of laminates, the purpose of which is to correct the design of the smile and make the teeth more beautiful. These composites are offered in different colors and qualities so that any person with any taste can use it.

How is dental composite placed?

Dental composite is made of a paste-like material that is used to fill the tooth and is placed directly on the tooth by a Best cosmetic dentist in Istanbul with a special pen. A cosmetic dentist must shape teeth like a sculptor. Finally, this material is hardened on the tooth with a light cure device. The advantage of this method is that it does not need to be made in the laboratory and it is laid in one day.

Advantages of dental composite in Istanbul

  • It is a suitable method for tooth restoration.
  • Composite cost is affordable.
  • Composite repair process is cheap and fast.

Disadvantages of dental composite in Istanbul

  • Composite is more colorable than laminate.
  • The strength and resistance of composites is less.
  • The lifespan of composites is less than that of laminate.


Dental crown in Istanbul

The crown of the tooth is the white part that protrudes from the gum and can be easily seen. A dental crown is a cap similar to a tooth crown, whose task is to chew food more easily. The dental crown is completely placed on the crown and covers the entire circumference of the tooth.
Veneers are usually used for teeth whose walls are broken or too thin, so that the possibility of breaking is very high.
Coverings are also used for denervated teeth so that the teeth regain their strength and do not get eaten by pressure. Dental veneers are also used for cosmetic purposes.

Covers have different types and include the following:

  • Full resin coating
  • Full ceramic coating
  • Stainless steel cover
  • Metal coating
  • Ceramic coating attached to metal

One of these covers is selected depending on the patient’s needs and taste.


Teeth bleaching in Istanbul

As we mentioned in the previous sections, the tooth consists of two parts: dentin and enamel. With age and consumption of colored foods such as tea, coffee, etc., tooth enamel will change color and cannot be treated with solutions such as brushing.

Teeth bleaching is one of the other methods of beautifying teeth, which is done with the aim of whitening teeth and improving discolored teeth. For treatment, the soft tissue of the gums must be examined first, if the Best cosmetic dentist in Istanbul determines that the gums are in good condition, he can start the treatment. This process is done in the office with concentrated chemicals and lasers and it brings a wonderful result. Unfortunately, tooth bleaching is not permanent and the teeth may change color again after a while, depending on the care that a person takes.


Advantages of cosmetic dentistry in Istanbul

People will benefit from many benefits by visiting a cosmetic dentist. Among these advantages, the following can be mentioned:

  • Fixing interdental spaces
  • Changing the size, shape and arrangement of teeth
  • An alternative to old treatments and repairs
  • Lighten or whiten yellow and discolored teeth
  • Tooth replacement for missing teeth
  • Repair of decayed, broken, cracked and filled teeth

Features of the Best cosmetic dentist in Istanbul

  • The best cosmetic dentist in Istanbul must have brilliant therapeutic and cosmetic results in his work resume, as well as high concentration in his work in addition to high strength.
  • A good cosmetic dentist should try his best not to cause the least damage to the teeth and mouth, in addition to that, the best treatment for the person should be done.
  • Having proficiency and expertise makes the best method for treating and beautifying a person to be done so that after the work is finished, the person has the ultimate satisfaction from doing the work.
  • Another factor that allows us to say that the doctor is the best cosmetic dentist in Istanbul is, in addition to his expertise and mastery of human characteristics, the doctor must also pay attention to the benefit and health of the patient.
  • Ethic and elegance of work and patience of a Best cosmetic dentist in Istanbul are very important.
  • From the scientific and human point of view, the best dentist is the one who considers the benefit of the patient and with a clear conscience tries to remove the annoying and pathogenic factors and if this job threatens the patient’s health, he refrains from doing it.
  • It is necessary for the dentist to explain to the patient the consequences of the disease and the lack of attention to dental and oral health in order to prevent the spread of the disease in the future. Necessary training to the society as much as possible, trying to prevent the spread of oral and dental diseases with proper information, making the most ideal treatment decisions, increasing personal and expert knowledge and improving medical abilities are other characteristics of the best dentist in It is Istanbul.
  • A successful dentist can be identified by his work record and his relationship with other patients. To get information and get to know such a dentist, consulting with his patients and checking their treatment period and after that will help you to a great extent.
  • A Best cosmetic dentist in Istanbul tries to make his treatment lasting and of high quality and to work for the patient for a long time, rather than creating only a temporary beauty and considering the economic aspects of this method. In this way, technical and human characteristics add to the success of the dentist by complementing each other.
  • Dear ones, you should have the ultimate choice, the expertise and skill of the doctor will help you to improve your smile design.

Duration of dental treatments and recovery period in Istanbul

The duration of treatment as well as the recovery time in different types of dental treatments are different and depend on the treatment method and the extent of the problem. For example, teeth whitening, crowns and veneers may require two treatment sessions, but orthodontic treatments take longer to see the final result.
Sometimes a person may experience pain and sensitivity after the treatment, which lasts for a few days and goes away. Usually, the Best cosmetic dentist in Istanbul will give you care recommendations.

Dental cosmetic cost in cosmetic dentistry in Istanbul

The cost of dental treatments depends on various factors and it is not possible to consider a single price for all of them. … it will be very different. It should be noted that in most cases, the cost of cosmetic treatments in dentistry is not covered by insurance.

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