What you need to know about eyelid surgery in Istanbul

Eyelid cosmetic surgery or blepharoplasty is usually required with age, or genetics or some diseases

Drooping of the upper eyelid or puffiness under the eyes causes an old and tired face

There are two types of eyelid surgery

  • Upper eyelid surgery
  • Lower eyelid surgery

What people are suitable for eyelid surgery in Istanbul?

  • People who are unhappy with the puffiness around their eyes.
  • People who have lost the natural crease of their eyelid due to excess skin or sagging skin
  • People whose vision is disturbed by excess skin and looseness of the upper eyelid.
  • People who cannot apply make-up easily due to the small surface above their eyes.
  • People whose appearance looks sad due to puffy upper eyelids.
  • People whose puffiness under the eyes has given an ugly look to their face

Procedures for eyelid surgery in Istanbul

This surgery can be performed with both local anesthesia and general anesthesia

The surgeon removes the excess skin and tissue, and then sutures are made

The skill of the plastic surgeon is to place the suture in the natural crease of the upper eyelid so that it is not visible

In the lower eyelid, stitches are done under the eyelashes or the inner part of the lower eyelid

In lower eyelid surgery, the accumulated fat is divided and the tear duct is corrected

Lower eyelid surgery in Istanbul
Lower eyelid surgery in Istanbul
Upper eyelid surgery in Istanbul
Upper eyelid surgery in Istanbul

The price of eyelid surgery in Istanbul

The cost of blepharoplasty is not the same in different clinics and it varies based on different factors such as the experience and skill of the doctor, the cost of the operating room, the type of surgery, the extent of the surgery, and the geographical area.

Usually, the price of lower eyelid surgery is slightly higher than upper eyelid surgery

If the eyelid surgery is performed under full anesthesia, the cost of the anesthesiologist and operating room will be added to it, and the price of eyelid surgery in Istanbul will increase.

Usually, the durability of eyelid surgery is more than 7 years, and it may need to be repaired with age or some other factors

Care after eyelid cosmetic surgery

Using a cold compress after eyelid surgery

Ice compress after eyelid surgery reduces bruising and swelling after surgery and is recommended in the first 48 hours.

Taking medicines after eyelid cosmetic surgery

Timely use of antibiotic tablets and ointments will eliminate the risk of infection

Rest after blepharoplasty surgery

It is better to rest for 3 days after the eyelid surgery and return to your work little by little after removing the bruise and recovering from the installation.

Nutrition after eyelid surgery

It is recommended to eat light and fast-digesting foods that do not put pressure on the digestive system

Avoid doing the following until your eyelid surgeon tells you to.

  1. to bend
  2. to cry
  3. book reading
  4. Use of lenses
  5. watching TV
  6. sport activities
  7. Make up the eyes
  8. Lifting heavy objects
  9. Working with laptop, computer and mobile

Do stitches remain in eyelid surgery?

This is a question that most people struggle with

In eyelid surgery, suture marks are usually placed in the natural folds of the eyelid to minimize its visibility

Always be patient in plastic surgery, and usually the results of eyelid surgery last up to three months, when the suture marks become very faint.

The use of restorative ointments or silicone sheets after 20 days of surgery with the doctor’s order helps a lot to repair the sutures.

بهترین جراح پلک

blepharoplasty – Cost and duration of stay 

بهترین جراح پلک

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1 year ago

Hi – How much does upper eyelid surgery cost?
How many days should I stay in Istanbul?
I come from the Netherlands

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