Mammoplasty in Istanbul – breast size reduction

Mammoplasty or breast reduction surgery is used for people who complain of large breast size

Sometimes the large size of the breast causes pressure on the spine or neck, and it is therapeutic

Also, some people do this procedure to beautify their body

Pregnancy and breastfeeding or weight gain or genetics can be causes of breast size increase

What people need mammoplasty?

People who are dissatisfied with the size of their breasts and are in perfect physical health can perform this surgery

Also, women whose breasts are not the same size or are not proportional to the size of other organs undergo mammoplasty in Istanbul.

How is mammoplasty or breast reduction surgery performed?

This operation is performed by a plastic surgeon or a breast surgeon

Choosing the best breast surgeon is very important in the outcome of the surgery

The operation time is between 2 and 4 hours and is performed under complete anesthesia

Incisions are usually applied in three areas of the breast and excess fat and tissue are removed from the breast and then stitched and bandaged.

Suitable age for mammoplasty:

It is better to do this operation after reaching full growth and it is better after the last pregnancy

Because pregnancy may increase breast size again

Care after mammoplasty:

Care includes:

Because the operation is performed under complete anesthesia, you must have a companion to help you for 24 hours

Mobility and walking after the operation will help you recover

You should take the medicines prescribed by the surgeon regularly.

Sodium consumption at this time should be minimized and liquids should be used to start the diet.

Pineapple fruit helps you a lot to heal wounds

Smoking and drinking alcohol for up to a month is extremely harmful for you.

Using the medical bra prescribed by the surgeon is usually necessary for one to two months

Bathing will be possible two days after the surgery.

Scars caused by incisions in surgery should be kept dry. If water reaches the scar, dry it with a hair dryer

And if this dryness bothers you, use a moisturizing cream so that it does not enter the wounds.

Mammoplasty contraindications:

This surgery is not recommended if a person has heart or vascular diseases, diabetes or sugar or is overweight.

It is necessary to point out that surgery before the full growth of the breast can increase the possibility of needing a second operation.

Complications of mammoplasty in Istanbul:

Complications of mammoplasty include:

  • Bleeding
  • infection
  • blood of death
  • Loss of sensation in the nipple
  • Reaction to anesthetics
  • Effect on breastfeeding
  • Bruising and swelling
  • Lack of similarity in breasts

Procedures before mammoplasty in Istanbul

Choosing the best breast surgeon or the best mammoplasty surgeon in Istanbul can be very effective

In the consultation session, you should fully explain all your wishes to the cosmetic surgeon and be aware of the results and the complete procedure of the surgery.

A person applying for mammoplasty cosmetic surgery must honestly declare all his medical history and medication use and if he has any special habits such as smoking.

The surgeon examines the applicant from the point of view of the risk of developing breast cancer according to the family and hereditary records of the specialized examination and

After making sure that you are not suffering from this cancer, the necessary examinations related to this operation, such as

It does the quality of the skin and the location of the nipple and areola of the breast, which may be necessary to complete the photographic file.

Smokers should be careful to avoid smoking for a month before and after the operation.

Two weeks before mammoplasty or breast reduction surgery, avoid alcohol, anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, vitamin E, ibuprofen and herbal supplements.

Cost of mammoplasty surgery in Istanbul or breast reduction

The cost and price of this surgery depends on various factors, but the main factor that can play a role in determining the price is the choice of surgeon and mammoplasty center in Istanbul.

بهترین جراح ماموپلاستی

The price of mammoplasty surgery in Istanbul will be the sum of the following:

  • The salary of a specialist surgeon for this operation
  • Cost of mammoplasty surgery center in Istanbul
  • Salary of operating room staff and cost of anesthesia
  • Cost of prescribed drugs
  • The cost of operating room clothes
  • The cost of pre- and post-operative tests

How many hours does mammoplasty last?

Generally, this operation is done in one session, although in some cases it may take two sessions.

Depending on the size of the breasts and the patient’s condition, the procedure lasts between 2 and 4 hours

Is mammoplasty dangerous?

Every cosmetic procedure has its own risks, that’s why it is recommended to use the best breast surgeon for surgery to minimize these risks.

Risks of mammoplasty include:

  • Breast deformity and abnormality
  • Loss of nipple halo
  • Blood pooling and fluid secretion
  • Problems in the fruiting process
  • Complications related to anesthesia and other complications that may occur after surgery.

How is the suture site in mammoplasty in Istanbul?

Don’t worry if you do the necessary hygiene and care, the scars and stitches will be greatly reduced.

The sutures will remain in the breast surgery, only the amount of the surgery will be reduced.

After 20 days of surgery or when the scars have dried, silicone sheets can be very effective for scar healing.

Breast swelling after mammoplasty and its treatment method

Breast swelling after mammoplasty is completely normal and usually it takes 4 weeks to heal.

If you want your chest swelling to heal faster, use an ice compress. Do not forget to use creams and ointments recommended by the doctor.

How are mammoplasty incisions?

Mammoplasty in Istanbul
Mammoplasty in Istanbul

The incisions for mammoplasty are different for each person and depend on their physical condition. These cuts are done in three ways: cut around the breast halo, perpendicular line cut and breast cut.

What conditions should be followed after mammoplasty in Istanbul?

After this operation, you should not engage in heavy activities for a month.

The use of a bra and the doctor’s instructions are necessary for a better result than the operation.

What should be done to reduce the complications of mammoplasty in Istanbul?

To reduce the complications of mammoplasty surgery, be sure to use a breast specialist and mammoplasty surgeon in Istanbul and take care before and after the operation well.

mammoplasty in Iran

Mommy Makeover in Istanbul

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